I took this picture while aboard the S/S GOLDEN
ENDEVOR in 1991. We were running between Mongstad, Norway and Quebec City in the winter. |
This was the eastern side of the "Perfect Storm".
We found that out later. |
So you can put it in perspective: the GOLDEN
ENDEAVOR is a San Clamente Class Tanker, 940 feet in length and 105 feet wide. The raised fordeck is 12 feet above the
main deck and the formast is 40 feet above that. Minutes after this picture was taken we took a sea over the bow that bent
the formast back 32 degrees off of vertical. The formast was 4 feet in diameter. |
We were hove to at slow ahead for steerage. This
went on for days. The Old Man was getting a lot of grief from the charterer about slowing down. He was telling us that his
other ships on this run were not having any weather delays and why were we being such milktoasts. We were in radio contact
with all three of the other ships and they were doing the same things that we were doing. We were calling each other
every three hours or so to check on weather and condition of their vessels. While none of the other ships were in immediate
danger either, we were all hove to. I guess a moral can be inferred. |
No one got hurt and that is the only thing that
is important. The rest is only money and very little of it is mine. |